
Gasket material tool pilot is off to a great start

The TTG Material Tool is now in its pilot phase and is being tested by one of our customers.

The TTG Material Tool is our solution for enabling easy gasket material selection for our customers. Now in its pilot phase, the new service is being tested by one of our wholesale customers and has enabled them to provide instant answers to their end customers’ questions.

– Their sales staff can use the TTG Material Tool to easily check which of our products are suitable for their end customers’ applications even when our experts aren’t immediately available, Smart Product Specialist Jaakko Niukkala says.

Further development and expansions ahead

User experiences gained from the pilot will function as the basis for the tool’s next development steps. Our goal is to introduce the TTG Material Tool for other customers with similar operations.

– After the pilot we will develop the tool and assess, in which direction we should expand the service: should we increase the available materials, import new functionalities, or include our entire product portfolio? Niukkala illustrates.