
Milestones from 2023 provide a platform for future growth – Our focus is on exports and sustainability

TT Gaskets’ recent development work and new ventures gained recognition and provided insight into the international demand for our products and services.

Golden Gavel competition highlighted TT Gaskets’ great board work

Independent board members are vital in developing a family business. Participating in the Finnish Golden Gavel competition gave us a chance to reflect on our learnings from recent years and compare our board status with the top boards of today’s SME companies.

TT Gaskets’ executive team members have a pronounced focus within our board work.  Executives participate in every meeting, providing insight into our future through the lens of their own position.

– Our board and executive team function as sparring partners for each other. Our goals regarding board work are to continue to enable advisor roles for board members. We’ll also be increasing board work diversity which will create added value for our executive team, CEO Aleksi Arpiainen sums up.

Pirkanmaa Exports Award is a recognition for our dauntless export expansion

The award jury described TT Gaskets as an international growth company with intrepid intentions to increase the share of exports within our turnover. The jury gave special thanks for emphasizing exports in our strategy. We are targeting Scandinavia, German-speaking Europe and North America in our coming export efforts.

–  Customer orientation and proximity are crucial in exports, and in this regard, we are preparing to take entirely new steps. We have already started a model in Sweden where we are easily accessible to our customers, and we intend to replicate the same pattern in new areas. Larger launches are coming soon, Business Director Petri Lehtinen promises.

Collaboration with top university opens up new avenues for exports

The United States has become our fastest-growing market area in the 2020s. Conquering this highly competitive market requires a profound understanding, which is why we have conducted thorough market research in collaboration with UCLA, one of the top universities in the US.

– We have gained a clear understanding of who our potential customers are, what are our most viable geographical locations, and who the right stakeholders are for us. We need to approach the market “boots on the ground.” Increasing our customer base requires having several local agents on the continent.

EcoVadis assessment yielded top results for TT Gaskets

Ranking among the top seven percent in the international EcoVadis sustainability assessment proved that our long-term investments in sustainability are paying off. Sustainability and responsibility permeate our operations on environmental, social, and governance levels. Sustainable choices strengthen our competitiveness.

Corporate responsibility is not just empty rhetoric for us but significant actions towards a brighter future. Our goal is to achieve full carbon neutrality by 2027. Sustainability is also emphasized in our international growth strategy.

– We aspire to be sustainability pioneers and advocates within certain markets where issues related to responsibility are not yet at the forefront. We want to promote best practices and spread the message for a good cause on our own scale, says Quality, Lean and IT Director Matti Järvinen.

Micaseal Suniflex is our first proprietary gasket material

TT Gaskets’ first private label gasket material Micaseal Suniflex has gotten a great reception among our customers. Suniflex has proved to be a successful material, and gaskets made from it perform very well even in demanding conditions.

– Suniflex is designed to withstand extremely hot temperatures of nearly 1000 degrees centigrade, and it performs reliably in different chemical environments. Experiences of its appliances have been highly positive. The mica-based material’s name is a tribute to late Key Account Director Jukka Sunila, Petri Lehtinen says.

The year 2023 was significant for us in many ways. We achieved significant milestones and recognitions that reflect our commitment to continuous improvement and responsibility. Considering these achievements, our focus is already on the future and new ventures. This is a good starting point for moving forward!